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object(WP_Post)#2195 (24) {
  string(1) "7"
  string(19) "2020-11-25 14:23:05"
  string(19) "2020-11-25 19:23:05"
  string(55486) "
At this time of Thanksgiving, we are so very grateful to our donors, alumni, families, employers, and community partners for supporting our mission and standing behind us during this incredibly challenging year. We would not be able to continue to serve our community without your generous support!

Happy Thanksgiving!
Innovative & interactive curriculum for alternative learners
focusing on college and career readiness:

  • Program participants complete the program with the tools, strategies and communication skills for navigating remote learnings and the virtual workspace.
  • Participants also learn how to search for jobs, network, and interview.
  • Participants leave the program with a resume, cover letter and LinkedIn profile.
  • Most importantly, program participants learn how to effectively disclose their disability or learning style and ask for supports needed to be successful in school and in the workplace.

All curriculum is delivered in an interactive and innovative format that implements strategies for neurodiverse learners with the integration of the arts, collaborative projects and the inclusion of mindfulness and yoga techniques.

Curriculum Overview:

  • Navigating remote learning and the virtual workplace
  • Creating your elevator pitch
  • Mock interviews
  • Learn the art of resume writing and cover letters
  • Self-advocacy
  • Professional communication
  • Disclosure & accommodations/ appropriate supports in the workplace & school
  • Managing the job search process for success
  • How to collaborate with a team effectively online
Information Session for 2021 Programs - December 2nd

Join us for an information session on our 2021 Programs,
including our Virtual Winter Strengths Program and our Summer Internship Program on Wednesday, December 2nd at 3:30pm EST.

To receive the Zoom link, please RSVP to
Hope to see you there!
Giving Tuesday is December 1st - that's next week! The first Tuesday after Thanksgiving each year, Giving Tuesday marks a day of worldwide generosity. This year we are teaming up with The Catalogue for Philanthropy again to participate in their #GiveLocal Giving Tuesday campaign. There are many prizes for us if we are able to get a lot of donors to donate. It is the NUMBER of donors, not the amount that counts, so ALL contributions are welcomed!!!

Our $25,000 challenge grant from our Together Towards Tomorrow Virtual Night of Celebration & Support is still open! This Giving Tuesday, help us reach our goal. We currently have raised $20,000, with only $5,000 more to go!
As a reminder, you can rewatch our Virtual Night of Celebration & Support any time you want! Watch the whole event or just clips from it here.
We are hosting a webinar!
Navigating the New Normal:
The Impact of COVID-19 on young people with learning and attention challenges and strategies for moving forward in work and school

Tuesday, December 8th at 3:30pm EST

Hosted by BroadFutures,

During these unprecedented times, the additional complexities of COVID-19 have compounded the challenges young people face from an educational, work, and mental health perspective. Please join us in conversation to discuss challenges and opportunities for young people to better navigate transitions and identify supports and strategies for success.
Staff Spotlight - Carole Trevey
This month, we are shining the spotlight on Carole Trevey, one of our Program Associates and Mentor! Carole has been with BroadFutures for a year and a half since graduating from the University of Virginia in Spring 2019 with a B.A. in Psychology and Media Studies. Carole plays a pivotal role in our marketing and fundraising activities through her work on BroadFutures' media plans, branding, website development, and social media. These have all proven critical in building BroadFutures' brand and presence online. As a mentor for four BroadFutures programs, Carole has had a direct and positive impact on the interns she has mentored, helping them to realize their potential and capitalize on their strengths as they move forward in their career and education goals. As we prepare for our 2021 Programs, Carole has these thoughts to share: "Working at BroadFutures has been such a fun and rewarding experience because it has truly been the best of both worlds. As a mentor, I really enjoy being able to work with so many different people with various interests and skills. I also love how I have the opportunity to apply my creative interests in marketing, whether that is through designing a flyer or updating the website. Be on the lookout for social media posts about our upcoming program and events, as they were most likely posted by me!"

We are so lucky to have Carole on the BroadFutures team as she positively and passionately contributes to our mission.
Employer Spotlight - Office of Senator Richard Blumenthal
We are thrilled to welcome Senator Blumenthal's office as a new Employer Partner!!

Senator Blumenthal is the senior Senator from Connecticut and is serving his second term in office. Both as a senator and during his unprecedented five terms as Connecticut’s Attorney General, Senator Blumenthal has fought for people against large and powerful special interests. His aggressive support for consumer protection, environmental stewardship, labor rights, and personal privacy has helped Connecticut constituents and individuals nationwide each year. We are honored to partner with a senator who champions people’s rights and support BroadFutures mission of ensuring that diverse workplaces are inclusive of disability.
Beatrix Dalton, the Staff Assistant who is supervising our BroadFutures intern, spoke highly of our partnership: “We were very impressed with the BroadFutures internship program, especially given the remote nature of the internship this year. BroadFutures worked with me and Nicholas, our intern, to ensure that the needs of the office were met and Nicholas found the experience fulfilling. The support BroadFutures provides to both the employer and the intern creates a truly rewarding experience for all involved.”
Thank you, Beatrix, for your kind words! We are glad the remote internship has been successful and are grateful to the Office of Senator Blumenthal. We look forward to continuing our partnership. You can learn more about Senator Blumenthal here.
Intern Spotlight - Nicholas Lecchi
Meet one of our alumni, Nicholas for our intern spotlight! We are excited to introduce you to Nicholas, as he has quite an impressive resume. After graduating from Bard College with a degree in Political Studies, Nicholas joined our program in the winter of 2017. With a strong interest in politics and policy decision-making, we knew Nicholas would excel in his internship with the Center for Strategic & International Studies (CSIS).

After his experience with CSIS, Nicholas went on to receive his MSc in Political Theory at the London School of Economics and Political Science, where he wrote his dissertation on the topic of intellectual dissidence in Czechoslovakia during the Cold War.

Currently, Nicholas is working with BroadFutures again in a remote internship with the Office of Senator Blumenthal. In this internship, Nicholas works on a variety of projects, including reviewing policy briefings, monitoring the Senator's incoming messages pertaining to constituent concerns, and reviewing documents in preparation for Senate committee hearings. Nicholas reflected, “My experience with BroadFutures opened a multitude of doors for me. Working at Senator Blumenthal’s office has taught me a great deal about how a congressional office interacts with a local constituency. I am looking forward to how this opportunity progresses in the next month.

Nicholas, you are doing such a great job in your internship with Senator Blumenthal's office. Keep up the good work!!
" ["post_title"]=> string(24) "November 2020 Newsletter" ["post_excerpt"]=> string(0) "" ["post_status"]=> string(7) "publish" ["comment_status"]=> string(6) "closed" ["ping_status"]=> string(6) "closed" ["post_password"]=> string(0) "" ["post_name"]=> string(24) "november-2020-newsletter" ["to_ping"]=> string(0) "" ["pinged"]=> string(0) "" ["post_modified"]=> string(19) "2020-11-25 14:23:08" ["post_modified_gmt"]=> string(19) "2020-11-25 19:23:08" ["post_content_filtered"]=> string(0) "" ["post_parent"]=> int(0) ["guid"]=> string(31) "" ["menu_order"]=> int(0) ["post_type"]=> string(4) "post" ["post_mime_type"]=> string(0) "" ["comment_count"]=> string(1) "0" ["filter"]=> string(3) "raw" }

November 2020 Newsletter

25 November 2020
At this time of Thanksgiving, we are so very grateful to our donors, alumni, families, employers, and community partners for supporting our mission and standing behind us during this incredibly challenging year. We would not be able to continue to serve our community without your generous support!

Happy Thanksgiving!
Innovative & interactive curriculum for alternative learners
focusing on college and career readiness:

  • Program participants complete the program with the tools, strategies and communication skills for navigating remote learnings and the virtual workspace.
  • Participants also learn how to search for jobs, network, and interview.
  • Participants leave the program with a resume, cover letter and LinkedIn profile.
  • Most importantly, program participants learn how to effectively disclose their disability or learning style and ask for supports needed to be successful in school and in the workplace.

All curriculum is delivered in an interactive and innovative format that implements strategies for neurodiverse learners with the integration of the arts, collaborative projects and the inclusion of mindfulness and yoga techniques.

Curriculum Overview:

  • Navigating remote learning and the virtual workplace
  • Creating your elevator pitch
  • Mock interviews
  • Learn the art of resume writing and cover letters
  • Self-advocacy
  • Professional communication
  • Disclosure & accommodations/ appropriate supports in the workplace & school
  • Managing the job search process for success
  • How to collaborate with a team effectively online
Information Session for 2021 Programs – December 2nd

Join us for an information session on our 2021 Programs,
including our Virtual Winter Strengths Program and our Summer Internship Program on Wednesday, December 2nd at 3:30pm EST.

To receive the Zoom link, please RSVP to
Hope to see you there!
Giving Tuesday is December 1st – that’s next week! The first Tuesday after Thanksgiving each year, Giving Tuesday marks a day of worldwide generosity. This year we are teaming up with The Catalogue for Philanthropy again to participate in their #GiveLocal Giving Tuesday campaign. There are many prizes for us if we are able to get a lot of donors to donate. It is the NUMBER of donors, not the amount that counts, so ALL contributions are welcomed!!!

Our $25,000 challenge grant from our Together Towards Tomorrow Virtual Night of Celebration & Support is still open! This Giving Tuesday, help us reach our goal. We currently have raised $20,000, with only $5,000 more to go!
As a reminder, you can rewatch our Virtual Night of Celebration & Support any time you want! Watch the whole event or just clips from it here.
We are hosting a webinar!
Navigating the New Normal:
The Impact of COVID-19 on young people with learning and attention challenges and strategies for moving forward in work and school

Tuesday, December 8th at 3:30pm EST

Hosted by BroadFutures,

During these unprecedented times, the additional complexities of COVID-19 have compounded the challenges young people face from an educational, work, and mental health perspective. Please join us in conversation to discuss challenges and opportunities for young people to better navigate transitions and identify supports and strategies for success.
Staff Spotlight – Carole Trevey
This month, we are shining the spotlight on Carole Trevey, one of our Program Associates and Mentor! Carole has been with BroadFutures for a year and a half since graduating from the University of Virginia in Spring 2019 with a B.A. in Psychology and Media Studies. Carole plays a pivotal role in our marketing and fundraising activities through her work on BroadFutures’ media plans, branding, website development, and social media. These have all proven critical in building BroadFutures’ brand and presence online. As a mentor for four BroadFutures programs, Carole has had a direct and positive impact on the interns she has mentored, helping them to realize their potential and capitalize on their strengths as they move forward in their career and education goals. As we prepare for our 2021 Programs, Carole has these thoughts to share: “Working at BroadFutures has been such a fun and rewarding experience because it has truly been the best of both worlds. As a mentor, I really enjoy being able to work with so many different people with various interests and skills. I also love how I have the opportunity to apply my creative interests in marketing, whether that is through designing a flyer or updating the website. Be on the lookout for social media posts about our upcoming program and events, as they were most likely posted by me!

We are so lucky to have Carole on the BroadFutures team as she positively and passionately contributes to our mission.
Employer Spotlight – Office of Senator Richard Blumenthal
We are thrilled to welcome Senator Blumenthal’s office as a new Employer Partner!!

Senator Blumenthal is the senior Senator from Connecticut and is serving his second term in office. Both as a senator and during his unprecedented five terms as Connecticut’s Attorney General, Senator Blumenthal has fought for people against large and powerful special interests. His aggressive support for consumer protection, environmental stewardship, labor rights, and personal privacy has helped Connecticut constituents and individuals nationwide each year. We are honored to partner with a senator who champions people’s rights and support BroadFutures mission of ensuring that diverse workplaces are inclusive of disability.
Beatrix Dalton, the Staff Assistant who is supervising our BroadFutures intern, spoke highly of our partnership: “We were very impressed with the BroadFutures internship program, especially given the remote nature of the internship this year. BroadFutures worked with me and Nicholas, our intern, to ensure that the needs of the office were met and Nicholas found the experience fulfilling. The support BroadFutures provides to both the employer and the intern creates a truly rewarding experience for all involved.”
Thank you, Beatrix, for your kind words! We are glad the remote internship has been successful and are grateful to the Office of Senator Blumenthal. We look forward to continuing our partnership. You can learn more about Senator Blumenthal here.
Intern Spotlight – Nicholas Lecchi
Meet one of our alumni, Nicholas for our intern spotlight! We are excited to introduce you to Nicholas, as he has quite an impressive resume. After graduating from Bard College with a degree in Political Studies, Nicholas joined our program in the winter of 2017. With a strong interest in politics and policy decision-making, we knew Nicholas would excel in his internship with the Center for Strategic & International Studies (CSIS).

After his experience with CSIS, Nicholas went on to receive his MSc in Political Theory at the London School of Economics and Political Science, where he wrote his dissertation on the topic of intellectual dissidence in Czechoslovakia during the Cold War.

Currently, Nicholas is working with BroadFutures again in a remote internship with the Office of Senator Blumenthal. In this internship, Nicholas works on a variety of projects, including reviewing policy briefings, monitoring the Senator’s incoming messages pertaining to constituent concerns, and reviewing documents in preparation for Senate committee hearings. Nicholas reflected, “My experience with BroadFutures opened a multitude of doors for me. Working at Senator Blumenthal’s office has taught me a great deal about how a congressional office interacts with a local constituency. I am looking forward to how this opportunity progresses in the next month.

Nicholas, you are doing such a great job in your internship with Senator Blumenthal’s office. Keep up the good work!!