An Exciting Summer at BroadFutures!!!
Our Summer 2018 Program is in full swing!! We are excited about our expanded program as well as our new employer partnerships. Over the past 7 weeks, w
e have seen tremendous growth in our interns’ confidence, professionalism, and ability to self-advocate.
We are grateful to be supported by a community that is committed to helping our interns find success, and understanding the promise of diverse learners. We
look forward to finishing the last two weeks of internships strong!!
Trip to Booz Allen Hamilton DC Innovation Center
were fortunate to be hosted by Booz Allen Hamilton at their D.C. Innovation Center, where our interns learned about Booz Allen’s commitment to innovation and diversity and the many career paths and accommodations available at Booz Allen.
BroadFutures Capitol River Cruise 2018!!
Interns, Alumni, and BroadFutures Staff on Board of Nightingale
Our alumni and present interns joined us for a Capitol River Cruise up the Potomac River!
The cruise provided a wonderful bonding opportunity for our interns and alumni. Alumni were eager to answer questions and give advice by acknowledging how their time at BroadFutures has translated into successes at school, in the workplace, and in their personal lives.
Alumni Trip to National’s Park!!
Alumni BroadFutures Buddies
We were sponsored by National’s Park again this summer
for a great evening of baseball. Our interns, alumni, and staff all enjoyed
connecting and having fun as a BroadFutures community and cheering on the Nationals against the Boston Red Sox!!!
Alumni & Interns Enjoying the Game |
…and Showing their Nats Pride!! |
New Alumni Committee
and Scholarship Award
Alumni Committee & Program Associate Alexa Weidanz
We are proud of our team of outstanding alumni who have come together to form our new BroadFutures Alumni Committee.
They have been busy deciding the scope and duties of the Committee, as well as planning upcoming events, including networking workshops and hopefully some fun events as well.
The Committee has helped us to spread the word about our 2018 Alumni Scholarship Award in celebration of our 5th Anniversary, which will be presented at our Gala on November 17th to an alumni who best demonstrates how BroadFutures has impacted their life, and how they plan to spread the BroadFutures mission. The deadline for the application is September 1, 2018. All alumni are encouraged to apply and to attend the Gala!
If any alumni are interested in joining the Committee, please let us know!!! We welcome all alumni. If you would also like more information regarding eligibility and logistics for the Alumni Scholarship Award, please contact aweidanz@broadfutures-website.azurewebsites.net.
Intern Spotlight: Sophie Sperduto
Sophie Sperduto is an 19-year-old from Washington, D.C., where she attended
The Lab School of D.C. Sophie is serving as an Alumni Intern this summer, after completing our winter Program. During her time in our Winter Program, she interned at World Learning, where she was responsible for administrative support for their busy season. Her employer was thrilled to have Sophie on their team, and praised her determination, honesty, and cheerfulness.
Currently, Sophie is interning at Entertainment Cruises, as part of our partnership with the D.C. Wharf. She is working as both a restaurant hostess and administrative intern. What Sophie enjoys most about working at Entertainment Cruises is “having a hands on job and working with different people.” This August, Sophie will be matriculating to Catholic University, where she intends to study Psychology and Criminology.
When reflecting on her time at BroadFutures, Sophie had these words to share:
“The experiences BroadFutures has given me has allowed me to learn a lot about myself regarding the workforce.”
Thanks, Sophie and good luck with the remainder of your internship!
NEW Employer Spotlight: SWBID
BroadFutures Intern, Stuart Landis with SWBID’s COO, Andre Witt and Delante Chloe
This month we are excited to introduce Southwest Business Improvement District, or “SWBID,” as one of our newest dedicated employer partners! SWBID is a Business Improvement District compiled of inspired leaders who plan, fund, and implement projects and supplementary services in their local community. SWBID is committed to beautifying and connecting the communities of SouthWest, DC, as well as redefining the status quo for the state of public infrastructure throughout Southwest, D.C.
This is our first summer partnering with SWBID and we are excited about the partnership. SWBID welcomed one of our Alumni Interns to join their team this summer, where he has since been responsible for assisting SWBID in establishing projects that bring excitement, beautification, creativity, cleanliness, and pride to the District. The internship has been so successful, that our Alumni Intern has often referred to his co-workers and supervisors as, “one big happy family,” and has found himself growing more as a young professional than he had anticipated. We feel extremely fortunate to partner with SWBID this summer and look forward to the future success of our growing partnership.
When reflecting on the partnering with BroadFutures, SWBID, Chief Operating Officer, Andre Witt had this to say…..
“It has been a joy beyond belief working with Stuart, and he has become such a big part of our (SWBID) family. We simply love having him here with us.”
Thanks so much SWBID! We look forward to continue to partner with you and help keep DC beautiful and safe!!!
Find out more about SWBID
For our 5th Anniversary Fall Gala!!!
APPLICATION DUE DATE: October 31st, 2018
If yo
u are interested in applying for our Winter 2019 Program,
If you are interested in becoming an employer partner, we are actively recruiting new employers. Please find
out more
Know someone who would be interested in what BroadFutures does?
Know someone who might be interested in applying?
Like us on Facebook, Follow us on Twitter and Instagram, and Connect with us on LinkedIN,
to stay up to date on what we are doing here at BroadFutures.
| BroadFutures
| 202-521-4304 | info@broadfutures-website.azurewebsites.net
| www.broadfutures.org